Science Africa & SJN engaged the Nation Media Group Editors on solutions journalism. About 20 editors, managers & directors attended the two-hour session delivered by Daniel Otunge of Science Africa & Caroline Karobia of Solutions Journalism Initiative.

Journalist training workshop on road safety reporting by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Science Africa in Nairobi, Kenya.

Selected Journalists from Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Ghana and Tanzania with Panelists during the Launch of the status report on Road Safety in the WHO African Region

Matthew Taylor, Media Engagement and Capacity Development Safety and Mobility officer at World Health Organization giving his remarks during the Road Safety media workshop in Nairobi, Kenya

Caroline Karobia, Africa Initiative Manager, Solutions Journalism Network sharing insights with journalists during the SoJo training workshop in Nairobi, Kenya.

Participants contributing to a group discussion during the SoJo workshop in Nairobi, Kenya.

Lourdes Walusala-Media Trainer- stressing on why Journalists need to make solutions journalism reporting part of their day-to-day work, during the SoJo workshop in Nairobi, Kenya.

AFIC-TISA Policy makers roundtable on women's access to government procurement opportunities in Nairobi, Kenya

David Aduda, Science Africa GROW Project Lead, Sharon Atieno, Science Africa Editor, Gilbert Sendugwa, Director, Africa Freedom for Information Centre (AFIC), Maria Lakel, AFIC communications officer and Anthony Rume, Science Africa IT Manager in a meeting in Nairobi, Kenya Daniel Otunge and Sharon Atieno representing Science Africa at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy. Sean Khan giving a presentation to journalists during the Road Safety Training workshop held in Nairobi. Group photo of participants who attended the road safety workshop organized by WHO and Science Africa in Nairobi, Kenya.


EU, Denmark to Fund Uganda’s First Climate-Resilient Market

By Sharon Atieno Uganda will receive funding from the European Union (EU) and Denmark to build its first climate-resilient market. The announcement was made during...

Project ECHO: Virtual Learning Transforming Africa’s Emergency Response

By Gift Briton With disproportionate disease burden, limited resources, and healthcare workers stretched thin, a virtual learning platform is changing how health professionals in Africa...

Research and Development


Kenya to Host 8th Africa Agri Expo

By Joyce Ojanji Kenya is set to host the 8th edition of the Africa Agri-Expo (AAE), a leading platform that connects Africa's rich agribusiness to the world, in its capital, Nairobi from 19th to...

IITA, Partners Empowering Africa’s Crop Improvement Scientists

The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture(IITA) as a member of the African Orphan Crops Consortium in partnership with the University of California, Davis and the Innovative Genomics at UC Berkeley, launched the third cohort...

Ecology, Management of Invasive Prosopis Trees in Eastern Africa

The Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI) has published a new book that explores the ecology and management of invasive Prosopis juliflora trees which have severely impacted landscapes and the livelihoods of pastoral communities...

Book Review: Advances in Plant Breeding Methods, Strategies Title: Conventional and Contemporary Practices of Plant Breeding Topics: Plant Sciences, Agriculture, Genetics and Genomics Authors: Prof. Patrick Olweny Ayiecho, MGH- University of Nairobi (B.Sc. Agric, M.Sc Plant Breeding and University of California (Ph.D Genetics). Currently...

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