By Gift Briton
In order to address the climate crisis that is already causing suffering to more than 3.3 billion people globally, experts note that the upcoming climate change conference should address the issue of implementation including honoring financial commitments, greenhouse gas emissions reduction and addressing climate change loss and damage.
According to studies, global investments in climate action is still six times less than what is required. Therefore, experts say that countries should stand by their pledge to strengthen their emissions-reduction targets while nations and companies must also show that they are turning their other commitments from Glasgow into action to unlock the climate adaptation and mitigation goals.
Speaking during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) Pre-COP 27 briefing, Jim Skea, co-chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) working group III noted that the world is off-track in limiting global warming below 1.5 degrees.
Although some progress has been made in climate change adaptation, Skea notes that there is need for countries to step up actions on climate change if the long-term temperature goals are to be met.
He adds that technological advances and nature-based solutions can play a key role in limiting emissions by 70%, especially in developing countries where huge climate action gaps exist.
In addition, to filling implementation and gas emissions gaps, Skea notes that it is crucial that climate actions be embedded in wider technological development policies and climate actions that synergize both adaptation and mitigation including investing in renewable energies, nature-based climate resilient solutions, increasing soil cover, sustainable land use measures, agricultural techniques and planting trees without deforestation.
Further, with a huge population expected to move into urban settings, particularly in Africa, Skea adds that the continent needs direct access to multilateral funds for climate change adaptation as this would ensure that much more funding is directed towards climate adaptation because that is where a big gap lies. The rising urban population would also require an increase in infrastructure. Therefore, countries are advised to put in place infrastructures that do not damage the climate.
Silvia Kreibiehi, Coordinating Lead Author for the Sixth IPCC Assessment Report also shares similar sentiments noting that in order to meet the climate change target it is important for countries to adopt a society-wide approach including political will.
She advised countries to come up with stronger commitments to strengthen Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and create a more inclusive governance process that allows other stakeholders such as the youth, elders, the minority, and indigenous people to the table.
Countries need to put into action commitments by putting in place policies and processes and new NDC pledges that allow temperatures below 1.5 degrees to be kept on track, Kreibiehi said.