The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)/Bioinnovate Africa is calling for concept notes from scientists working at university, research institute, government agency or a firm and resides in any of the Bioinnovate Africa participating countries of Burundi, DRC, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and Tanzania.

The call is intended for scientists from research institutes and government agencies to work jointly with their counterparts in the private sector to co-develop value added products (goods and services) from biological resources. Value added products may be from agricultural produce and other biological materials including insects, microbes and animals or biological wastes.

The idea of the grant should address any of the following Bioinnovate Africa thematic areas: value addition to agro produce and other biological resources, biological waste conversion and biologically based healthcare products.

The grant is worth one million dollars per project for a period of three years. To be eligible for the grant, you should be a team of at least three and not more than five organizations from at least three of the Bioinnovate Africa participating countries mentioned above.

Applications should be made in English using the application form available. The deadline for receiving of all concept notes is on Tuesdays, 19th July, 2022 11:59 PM EAT.

For more information, contact: or +245719052433