By Mary Hearty

A new statistics report on road traffic crash in Kenya has revealed an increase in the number of road traffic accidents across the country with passengers being the most affected.

The report which has been released by the National Police Service (NPS) states that the road traffic crashes have led to several road users unfortunately losing their lives while others are left hospitalized.

“From 1st January to 26th September 2022, we have recorded a total of 15,924 road crashes victims countrywide; 3,541 victims were fatally injured, 7,236 persons seriously injured, while 5,147 victims were slightly injured,” NPS reported.

As at 26th September 2022, about 20% increase was observed among passengers involved in road traffic accidents- most affected group, followed by pedestrians at 10%, then motor cyclists, drivers, pillion passengers and pedal cyclists.

The NPS also observed a sharp increase in fatalities among passengers and in the last one week, where a total of 145 persons have perished.

From the police assessment, the increase was mainly attributed to preventable and predictable factors such as non-usage of seat belts by commuters, driver behavior such as speeding leading to loss of control in high occupancy vehicles and poor mechanical conditions of vehicles resulting in brake failures and tyre bursts.

In this regard, the NPS pointed out that actors like the National Transport and Safety Authority will continue sensitizing Public Service Vehicles, Heavy Commercial Vehicle and Bodaboda operators, pillion passengers and pedestrians on road safety as NPS conducts a countrywide enforcement initiative scheduled 28th September 2022.

Meanwhile, the NPS urged road users and stakeholders to co-operate with the enforcement officers as they conduct this exercise and to always follow the laid down road traffic rules to ensure they safety and that of others.