Though incorporated in Kenya, Science Africa offers services at national, regional and international levels.

Target Beneficiaries

Our products and services benefits a cross section of people including policy makers both rural and urban populations. The newspaper for example, is widely read in Kenya and internationally through the internet. We have a database of over 12,000 people to whom we send the electronic copy of the newspaper. We also print and distribute 20,000 copies through subscription, conferences, direct sales through selected outlets or vendors.  The paper regularly covers climate change-related stories.

Professional Experts

Science Africa is made up of professional journalists and development communication specialists who have work in the media and international research organizations for many years. We have excellent media relationships and contacts or networks in Kenya and across Africa.

Over the years we have been interacting with journalists in Africa, and indeed, all over the world through training, conferences and networking. In Africa, we have a network of journalists such as Media for Environment Science, Health and Agriculture (MESHA) in Kenya, Uganda Science Journalists Association, and Journalists for Environment Tanzania (JET) in East Africa.

For Central and Southern Africa, we work closely with members of the Media for Environment, Agriculture and Development (MEAD) based in Lusaka, Zambia. In West Africa, we spearheaded the formation of the RECOAB (Regional Agricultural Science Journalists Association) based in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

The organization has country offices in Ghana, Senegal, The Gambia, Nigeria, Mali, Niger and Ivory Coast. We were instrumental in most of the members of the media peer network bodies and that is why they are closely linked to Science Africa experts. We are also members of the World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ).

It this vast network that we are ready to use to help organizations achieve their mass media outreach objectives. As part of media liaison we ensure that activities and events are well covered by the media in Africa. We develop and/or distribute press releases, organize, coordinate and manage press media events (such as press conferences, press briefing, press invitation etc).

We work with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) centers (e.g. CIMMYT, ILRI and ICRAF); Regional Research bodies (like AATF, AGRA; ISAAA, ABSF, African Technology Policy Studies (ATPS) and African Academy of Sciences (AAS); UN bodies (UNEP, WHO, FAO, UNFPA); and National KARI, KEMRI and KEFRI.

Science Africa is affiliated to:

  •     The African Federation of Science Journalists (AFSJ)
  •     The World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ)
  •     The Media for Environment Science, Health and Agriculture (MESHA)
  •     Kenya Environment and Science Journalists Association( KENSJA)
  •     The Uganda Science Journalists Association (USJA)
  •     The Journalists for Environment Tanzania (JET)
  •     The Media for Environment, Agriculture and Development (MEAD
  •     The Regional Agricultural Science Journalists Association (RECOAB)

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