Science Africa has the professional and technical capacities to provide a variety of communication services in Africa. We are a science and development support communication consultancy company with strong emphasis on agriculture, climate change adaptation and mitigation, food security, rural development, environment, health, industrialization and R&D leading to innovations. Apart our databank of highly credible science journalists in Africa, we have the expertise to undertake the following services.
- Strategic Communications
- Communications and media training
- Media relations and publicity
- Policy Briefs
- Prompt Press Releases
- Development communications
- Communications campaigns (including IEC-Information, Education and Communication-and BCC-Behavior Change Communication)
- Crises/risk communications
- Development of strategic plans and communication strategies
- Production (Print and audio-visual)
- Project design and implementation
- Project Monitoring and Evaluation
- Science News Service (SciNews)
- ScienceAfrica- science newspaper
- Editorial (writing, editing and proofreading)
- Communications research
- Supplements
- Popularization of science culture in Africa
- Advertising