By Tsim Mavisi
Light rainfall (less than 50 mm) is expected in coastal Sudan, parts of central to southern South Sudan, southern Ethiopia, central to northern Somalia, western Kenya, north-western and south-eastern Uganda, and parts of southern and eastern Tanzania.
This is according to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Climate Prediction and Applications Centre(ICPAC).
Further, moderate rainfall (50-200mm) is expected over Eastern Kenya, southern Somalia, central to western Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, and southwestern Uganda.
However, there will be wetter than usual conditions in southern Somalia, eastern Kenya western Uganda, Rwanda, and parts of southern and eastern Tanzania. Heavy to very heavy (top 10 – 5%) rainfall is expected in eastern Kenya extending to southern Somalia and central Tanzania.
According to ICPAC, moderate temperatures (20-32 degrees Celsius) are expected over parts of Sudan, Djibouti, South Sudan, central to northern Uganda, northern and eastern Kenya, and most parts of Tanzania, Somalia, and Eritrea.
But cold conditions (less than 20 degrees Celsius) are expected in parts of north-western Sudan, southern to northern Ethiopia, southern Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, central to western Kenya, a few places in northern Somalia, and isolated areas in Tanzania.
In Kenya, the Meteorological Department says, rainfall is expected to continue over the Highlands East of the Rift Valley, the South-eastern Lowlands and the Coast as well as over a few areas in the Highlands West of the Rift Valley, the Lake Victoria Basin, the Central and South Rift Valley and Northeastern Kenya. Isolated storms are likely to occur over some parts of the Southeastern lowlands.
In the highlands, west of the Rift Valley, the Lake Victoria Basin and the Central and South Rift Valley, mornings are likely to be generally sunny though light rains may occur over a few places. Afternoon showers and thunderstorms are likely to occur over a few places. Nights are expected to be partly cloudy but occasional showers may occur over few places.
Further, maximum (day-time) temperatures are likely to drop to about 23 degrees Celsius in Kisii but may rise to 29in Kisumu. Minimum (night-time) temperatures are expected to be as low as 09o C in Kabarak while in Nakuru they may be as high as 15 degrees Celsius.
North-western Kenya (Turkana and Samburu Counties): days are likely to be sunny and nights partly cloudy. Maximum (day-time) temperatures are likely to be as high as 36o C in Lodwar but may drop to 24 degrees Celsius in Maralal. Minimum (night-time) temperatures are expected to go down to 11 degrees Celsius in Maralal and be much warmer in Lodwar at up to 25 degrees Celsius.
Also, the Highlands East of the Rift Valley (including Nairobi County), mornings are likely to be cloudy, with occasional light rains, giving way to sunny intervals. Afternoon showers are likely to occur over a few places at times spreading to several places. Nights are expected to be partly cloudy.
Maximum (day-time) temperatures are likely to rise to about 27 degrees Celsius in Thika while in Kangema they may be as low as 21 degrees Celsius. Minimum (night-time) temperatures are expected to drop to 8 degrees Celsius in Nyahururu while in Nyeri they may peak at 12 degrees Celsius.
In north-eastern Kenya, the weather agency notes that morning rains and afternoon showers are expected over a few places. Maximum (day-time) temperatures are likely to rise to 36 degrees Celsius in Mandera while Marsabit may be cooler with temperatures as low as 23 degrees Celsius. Minimum (night-time) temperatures are expected to go down to 17 degrees Celsius in Marsabit and be as high as 26 degrees Celsius in Mandera.
Also, in the Southeastern lowlands morning rains, as well as afternoon and night showers, are expected over a few places. Maximum (day-time) temperatures are likely to be as high as 33 degrees Celsius in Voi but may be as low as 27 degrees Celsius in Makindu. Minimum (night-time) temperatures are expected to drop to 14 degrees Celsius in Machakos while Kitui may experience warmer temperatures of up to 19 degrees Celsius.
In the coast, morning, early afternoon, and night showers are expected over a few places. Maximum (day-time) temperatures are likely to drop to about 30 degrees Celsius in Malindi while in Mombasa they may be as high as 33 degree Celsius. Minimum (night-time) temperatures are expected to be as low as 23 degrees Celsius in Lamu but in Malindi, they may rise to 27 degrees Celsius.
Comparing the previous review (14-20 November 2022) to the current review period (21-27 November 2022), it is noted that day-time (maximum) temperatures increased over some stations including Lamu, Narok , and Kakamega, and decreased over Laikipia, Makindu and Garissa among others. Night-time (minimum) temperatures increased over some stations like Nyahururu, Malindi, and Wilson Airport and decreased over others like Lodwar, Kericho, and Kitale.