Science Africa invites Journalists in Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda to submit proposals for investigative Solutions Journalism story ideas focusing on health issues.

The goal of this project is to improve coverage of critical health issues in the 3 countries.
The stories produced will be published in the Science Africa magazine with an option for the grantees to publish the same in their media outlets.

The grantees will also be given a chance to participate in a series of Science Africa Solutions Journalism mentorship program.

We want you to:
Submit pitches on trending health issues within your community, country or region.

How to apply:
Please submit the following to with a copy to not later than 27th November 2020 with the subject, Science Africa Grants.
i) A maximum of 250 word proposal outlining your health SoJo story idea.
ii) Links to your published articles (Audio, Video, Print, Multimedia etc)
iii) A moderate proposed budget of no more than USD 750.
iv) A resume’ /CV
Successful applicants will be notified by the 11th of December 2020.
The grant is part of Science Africa’s ongoing efforts towards establishing and entrenching Africa Health Solutions Journalism Initiative (AHSJI)